St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

Recent Inspections & REVIEWS

We welcome every opportunity to reflect and improve our practice and the chronology below (beginning with the most recent visit) provides an insight to the feedback and dialogue we have had from reviews and inspections from a variety of professional agencies, all focused on school improvement. 


Ofsted Inspection 2023

Following the inspection on 4th and 5th May, 2023. We are pleased to report that Ofsted concluded that St Mary’s “continues to be good.

In the report, Ofsted highlight many strengths in every aspect of the school, especially the skill and knowledge of the staff, our rich curriculum and the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children.

You can read the full report here

Below are some highlighted quotations from the attached report, which we have aligned with our #ShiningBrightly mission of having a Safe, Ready and Respectful school:


  • “Pupils… feel safe and say that staff at the school help them if they have any worries or concerns.”

  • “Staff help pupils to understand how to stay safe, including when online.”

  • “Even the youngest children explain how to keep themselves safe.”

  • “There is a robust culture of safeguarding in place. Leaders have ensured that all staff have received training. This keeps them up to date with best practice.”


  • “Pupils at St Mary’s are proud to be part of this welcoming school.”

  • “Staff expectations for pupils are high. They want everyone to shine brightly.”

  • “Pupils are friendly and inquisitive."

  • “Teachers and support staff have strong subject knowledge.”

  • “Pupils follow a purposeful and ambitious curriculum.”

  • “Leaders ensure that pupils learn about a wide variety of cultures. This helps to prepare them for life in modern Britain.”


  • Leaders create an environment where everyone feels valued.”

  • The relationships between adults and pupils are respectful."

  • Pupils are sensitive and considerate of one another. They understand the importance of treating everyone fairly.”


SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) 2023


In March 2023 we were inspected under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools which evaluates the ethos and learning within the school. The inspector visited classrooms, watched playtimes and interviewed staff from roles across the school, as well as meeting with children, parents, governors and volunteers.

We are delighted that the inspection awarded St. Mary’s a very strong Good grading.

The report is such a positive reflection of our school, highlighting how we strive to provide the very best education and support for our children and families.

If you would like to read the full report please click here.

Our thanks to all the children, staff, governors and parents of St. Mary’s who all work tirelessly and give so much every day, to make our school the special place it is.

Some highlights from our 2023 SIAMS Inspection


About our curriculum, teaching and learning

“The inspirational leadership of the headteacher and team, has created a vibrant learning community.”

“Learning activities are fully engaging and enjoyable, enhancing pupils’ very positive experiences of school life.

Pupils identified as disadvantaged are extremely well-supported in line with the vision by reducing and removing barriers to learning. In this way the needs of each pupil are met, enabling all to flourish.”

“The curriculum is continuously enhanced by a range of visitors and visits…”

“…’Big Questions’ enable pupils to explore and respond to global, spiritual and ethical issues in a safe and secure setting. As a result, pupils are able to develop and justify their viewpoints, listen respectfully to those of others and disagree politely.”  

About our children’s behaviour and attitudes

“Christian values and spiritual reflection seamlessly thread through the curriculum strengthening the impact of the vision. In this way, pupils’ behaviour, attitudes and aspirations are transformed, including those who benefit from support with behaviour.”

“Each pupil is regarded as a precious unique person by their peers and staff and in turn becomes a ‘shining star’. In this way they become confident learners who aspire to be the best they can be.”

 About our staff and our school leadership

“Leaders, including governors and staff …have the highest aspirations for their pupils.

“…leaders are continuously searching for ways to improve and place a high priority on professional development. In this way, staff feel highly valued both as individuals and as a team."

Leaders’ support for staff wellbeing, reflects a culture where all are supported. As a result, staff morale is high.”

About our community

“The school, often together with the church community, demonstrates exceptional support for all families.

…diversity is embraced and highly welcomed. St Mary’s is an inclusive, warm and friendly school community…”


Challenge Partner Quality Assurance Review 2022

Our most recent external Quality Assurance Review was undertaken by an experienced Lead Reviewer and their team of senior leaders over three days in March, 2022, focusing on the below key areas. The review involved all senior leaders and class teachers. 

Note: The Quality Assurance Review estimates are not equivalent to Ofsted grades. The QA Review uses a different framework to Ofsted and the review is developmental not judgmental.

  • Area 1 - Leadership at all levels (Decision: Leading)
  • Area 2 - Quality of provision and outcomes, including outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs (Decision: Effective)
  • Area of Excellence: The promotion of high quality leadership by subject coordinators and those responsible for specific groups of pupils. (Decision: Accredited)

You can read the full review here.

The following quotations provide a summary overview of the 2022 Quality Assurance Review: 

“The headteacher is held in high regard by staff, pupils, parents and governors. She provides wise counsel and plays a central role in sustaining the warm and purposeful atmosphere across the school."

"Senior leaders have a wide range of experience and expertise and have established a strong learning culture where openness and risk-taking are encouraged and where all feel valued."

"The motto, ‘Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly’ is understood by all members of the school community. The ambition for all pupils to be ‘safe, ready, respectful’ is understood by pupils and provides them with a shared language with which to reflect on their own personal development."

"Governors are fully involved with monitoring the provision and pupils’ achievement. Each governor is linked with a middle leader. They gain insights into strengths and areas for development through overviews of outcomes and regular visits. This enables them to be proactive in contributing to whole school improvement plans and evaluating their success.”

"Pupils enjoy a rich and well-structured curriculum. Opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are now explicit in curriculum plans, as recommended during the last consultation visit." 


"Excellent relationships among teachers, support staff and pupils underpin the relaxed and purposeful atmosphere during lessons. Pupils’ behaviour is typically excellent."


"In the most successful lessons, teachers fully capitalise on pupils’ positive attitudes to fully engage and motivate them."


"There is a strong ethos of inclusion throughout the school. Disadvantaged pupils and those with additional needs are supported in lessons seamlessly. Both groups benefit from extremely well-organised support."


"Staff have capitalised on the close relationships established with parents during lockdowns and continue to develop strong home/school partnerships."


Challenge Partner Quality Assurance Review 2021

Our Quality Assurance Review was undertaken by an experienced Lead Reviewer over two days in April, 2021, focusing on the following key areas. The review involved all senior leaders and class teachers. 

  • Area 1 - The effectiveness of curriculum adaptation to meet the needs of the school and all groups of learners.
  • Area 2 - The effectiveness of leadership at all levels.
  • Area 3 - Maximising parental and community engagement to enhance learning 

You can read the full review here.

The following quotations provide a summary overview of the 2021 Quality Assurance Review: 

“St Mary’s places great emphasis on having ‘faith in everyone to shine brightly’. Christian values, carefully intertwined with British values, underpin the school’s ethos into which all pupils and their families are welcomed.”

“The highly effective inclusive practice values the uniqueness of every child and aims to develop the self-esteem and skills they need to be successful in life.”

“All staff are provided with a wealth of professional development which enables them to carry out their roles with knowledge and skill. Class teachers… demonstrated clearly their immense enthusiasm, drive and commitment to achieving the very best for the pupils in their classes, as well as for the subjects they lead.”

“A carefully crafted and detailed curriculum for foundation subjects and science has been created collaboratively. This appropriately begins with a creative Foundation Stage curriculum led by skilled and experienced Early Years staff. It has the school’s values, with a Christian perspective and British values at its heart. Worship themes and topics from the personal, social and health education (PSHE) scheme are carefully interwoven, alongside ‘big questions’ which engage pupils in deep thinking.”

“The mathematics curriculum has been carefully adapted as a result of rigorous school self-evaluation… following a period of research, professional development and scrutiny of best practice.”

With reading and vocabulary initiatives, “…shared ownership and staff enthusiasm ensured that everyone proactively implemented the agreed changes… [which] secured consistency across the school and improved outcomes. A love of reading is promoted.”

“The headteacher and deputy headteacher lead the school with dynamic professionalism, supported ably by senior leaders. All staff play a pivotal role in driving forward improvements with a strong team spirit and sense of purpose which is clearly evident at every turn.

“Pupils with SEND are carefully monitored by the experienced and proactive coordinator to ensure that their support is relevant and targeted, whilst the pastoral lead works tirelessly to ensure that barriers to learning for vulnerable pupils are removed. The attainment and progress of disadvantaged and EAL pupils are also closely monitored to ensure that they achieve as well as their peers.”

“A highly effective and detailed pupil tracking system, created by the school, ensures that no stone is left unturned in identifying next steps which enable every child to achieve their very best.” 


Previous Challenge Partner Reviews identified the following Areas of Excellence at St Mary's:

  • Area of Excellence 2018: Pastoral and well-being support
  • Area of Excellence 2017: Assessment and monitoring

  • Area of Excellence 2016: Phonics


Ofsted Inspection 2017

Following the inspection on 16th November 2017, we are pleased to report that Ofsted concluded that St Mary’s “continues to be good.

The inspection recognised that…the leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection and it was noted that we have …made many improvements to teaching and learning. The School Leadership Team have high expectations for teachers and these are very clear.

We were proud Ofsted reported to Mrs Clarke that parents and the local community recognise the strengths of your leadership [and] would recommend the school.

Our tracking, monitoring and interventions are …helping current pupils to achieve their potential” and ensure that “if pupils are slipping behind, they are supported well. Furthermore, there have been sustained improvements for disadvantaged pupils.

We were pleased that the feedback noted that our children’s emotional needs are being met well, with the pastoral leadership identified as invaluable.

Learning is progressing well for children with special educational needs, because staff have a clear understanding of their needs.

On the essential area of safeguarding, Ofsted found that we …make sure that pupils are safe and secure in school. You work determinedly, yet sensitively, with pupils, parents and external agencies to monitor and support the most vulnerable pupils. Safeguarding arrangements are secure and part of the school’s culture.

If you would like to read the full report please click here.


Previous Challenge Partner Quality Assurance Reviews

Previous Challenge Partner Reviews identified the following Areas of Excellence at St Mary's:

  • Area of Excellence 2018: Pastoral and well-being support
  • Area of Excellence 2017: Assessment and monitoring

  • Area of Excellence 2016: Phonics


SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) 2015



In July 2015 we were inspected under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools.  We are delighted that the outcome of the inspection (which evaluates the Christian ethos and learning within the school) which graded St. Mary’s as Good overall (and ‘Outstanding’ for the school's ‘distinctive Christian character’).

Our thanks to all the children, staff, governors and parents of St. Mary’s who all work very hard and give so much every day, to make our school such a special place. You can read the report here.


Ofsted Inspection 2013

In July 2013, an Ofsted Inspection team found St Mary's to be a 'Good' school "which shows that pupils are currently making good progress and achieving well throughout the school, whatever their starting point." 

If you would like to read the full report please click here.


You can visit the Ofsted website by clicking the image below.