Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly
This area has some useful documents and links to things that might help with learning and keeping your mind healthy.
Most of the information on this page is for parents and carers to help support their children.
Coping with loss?
Wiltshire Treehouse offer bereavement support for children and families in Swindon and Wiltshire
Here are a few resources that might help!
Feeling stressed?
This exercise is to help children manage their stress and anger.
The document below is called Tucker Turtle and helps children learn a skill to manage their emotions when all gets too much.
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tuckerturtle.ppt | Download |
There is also an online book which helps to explain what Coronavirus is to children
Make sure you look after yourself!
The document below gives some ideas on how to make sure you take care of yourself at this time
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Looking After Yourself.docx | Download |
Parenting tips and videos to help manage stressful situations
Need any support for ASD? The document below is made by Wiltshire LA and has lots of useful resources
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SWASS for primary school children.pdf | Download |
Sensory Overload?
Try these websites and
They have lots of ideas on how to help manage stress and anxiety that can caused by sensory overload
Need someone to talk to?
Wiltshire parent carer council are there to help
The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub can help too!
The wiltshire wellbeing hub is available to anyone who is struggling during this
difficult time, such as people who are shielding or self-isolating and don't have a
support network around them or know where to get help.
Wiltshire Council's team can help provide support but also signpost them to where
additional help is available in their local area with hundreds of community groups set-
up across the county providing invaluable assistance.
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spelling strategies.docx | Download |
You can help support Spelling in a number of ways ..
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Dyslexia- why we don't test.docx | Download |
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Dyslexia info.pptx | Download |
Help with key learning
speech and language support for parents
concerned about healthy eating?
Popplet- helps with planning and organising your writing
DD's dictionary- spelling dictionary with voice recognition to help with finding correct spellings
The vehicles typing- (lite version is free) typing practice
BBC dancemats- helps with typing
Reading support
Mental health support
what is mental health?
Twinkl have developed some fantastic resources which can help support you.
Self esteem