Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly
St Mary’s CE Primary School Governing Board
The purpose of the Governing Board is to help the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. The Governing Board sets the school aims and policies together with the Headteacher. The Governors have responsibilities in such areas as curriculum, finance, premises, personnel and special educational needs. No individual governor has any power unless delegated by the Governing Board. The Governing Board as a whole is responsible for any decisions made.
The Clerk to the Governors can be contacted here:
The Chair of Governors can be contacted here:
Chair of Governors
Andy Fryer
Clerk to the Governors |
Staff Governors |
Elizabeth Wilson
Parent Governors
Jennifer Merritt Sam Huxley Jenna Probet
Naomi Clarke Head Teacher Carmen Bounds Pupil Premium Governor
LA Governors Ursula Scott
SEND Associate Governor Bonnie van Zanten-Rice |
Foundation Governors Rev Ian Tweedie-Smith Ed Coleman
Co-opted Governors Alastair Vella-Sultana (Child Protection Governor)
The chart below is a register of Governors' Details and Business Interests.
Governor Visits to School
Governors regularly come into school to gain insight to the school in operation and can record the outcome of their visit using the Governor Visit Record form with Template Guidance Info.
Becoming a Governor
Details of who can and cannot become a school governor can be found on Chapter 2, page 7 of A guide to the Law for School Governors at, or via the school office. Some people are not eligible to become a school governor.
If you would like more information about becoming a school governor, or would like to speak with the existing parent governors about their role, please contact the Clerk via e-mail using