St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239


Attendance & Admissions Officer: Mrs H Ashdown

Attendance Governor: Mr A Vella-Sultana 


St Mary's see punctual and regular school attendance as central to raising standards in education and contributing significantly to each child's progress. Absence from lessons can result in children falling behind in their learning, social development and can also put their safety at risk. Children with regular poor attendance are vulnerable and more likely to underachieve in both primary and secondary school.

>>> Is my child too ill to go to school? Click here for NHS advice.

>>> Booking a holiday in term time? Here is what is classed as an 'exceptional circumstance'.


St Mary's aims to support all children to achieving high attendance. We are committed to equal opportunities and we support pupils and their families in achieving this goal. We want all our pupils and their families to feel valued and welcome. We will use every opportunity to convey to pupils and their parents or carers, the importance of regular and punctual attendance. Regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and an essential component of our safeguarding practice. You can read more about attendance on our Policies Page, here

We aim to support the highest attendance for every child:

  • make school a safe, vibrant and attractive place that children and adults value
  • having a clear policy, communicated to everyone involved with the school
  • have a dedicated member of staff who acts as Attendance & Admissions Officer
  • monitoring and recording attendance and use this robust data to identify poor attendance and punctuality
  • work with families to identify any barriers causing poor attendance and agree supportive solutions
  • liaising with external agencies to support families
  • raise standards and ensure that every child reaches their full potential
  • ensure that every child is safe and their right to an education is protected