St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

 *** Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly  ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..."  ***  Yn disgleirio’n llachar  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly  ***   Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."  ***   明るく輝きます  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly    *** Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***  deɛ ɛyɛ hann   ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly  ***   Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."    *** Świeć jasno  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***  brilhar vivamente  ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...   #shinebrightly  ***  Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..." ***   明るく輝きます ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly    *** Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..."  ***  闪闪发光  ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."  ***   jasně zářit   ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***   ప్రకాశవంతంగా ప్రకాశిస్తుంది   ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..." ***   hell scheinen    *** Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***  brillar  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly  ***  Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."    *** fel schijnen   ***  Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...  #shinebrightly ***   Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***    چمک  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."  ***    तेज चमक  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..." ***    jasně zářit *** Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly ***   Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."  ***    straluceste puternic ***    Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly   ***  Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..."  ***   بدرخشید  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly ***    Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..."  ***    উজ্জ্বলভাবে চকমক  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly ***    Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..."  ***   कोंकणी  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly  ***   Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..." ***     klere klere ***    Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly ***    Daniel 12:3, "...shine like the brightness of the heavens..."   ***  Leeraay weex  ***   Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly...    #shinebrightly ***    Genesis 26:4, " numerous as the stars of the sky..." ***

Welcome to St Mary’s
Church of England Primary School

This week we are listening to 'Peace Train' as we come into assembly.



The School Day


  • Gates open and registration begins from 8:40 a.m.
  • Lessons start at 8:50 a.m.
  • The front gates are locked promptly at 8:50 a.m. and the back gate is locked at 8:55 a.m. to allow parents/carers to leave the site. (NB children arriving after 08:50 are marked as late in the register.)


  • Gates open to parents at 3:00 p.m.
  • Lessons end at 3:05 p.m.


Any queries relating to the school day or any other matters, please contact Sammy Howse, in the Administration Team:

 01793 770239

To keep #shiningbrightly,
school day counts
and EVERY minute counts!

To find our more, click here to check our ATTENDANCE page.


Mrs Naomi Clarke

}I am very proud to be able to welcome you to our wonderful school, where we have 'faith in everyone to shine brightly’. Our website should provide you with all the information you need, but we always welcome visits to the school if you need further information. 

As you enter our school, you will find us learning together in faith, love and friendship; we pride ourselves on our strong family atmosphere. At St Mary’s, a highly motivated and dedicated team ensure that all children aspire to achieve their full potential, both academically and socially.

Every child is valued for their uniqueness and our strong pastoral support enables them to develop the self-esteem and skills they will need to be successful in life; playing, learning and working together now and in the future. The support, challenge and determination to achieve exceptional outcomes for all within our school community is fostered by everyone.

Adults, children and families are all supported to achieve and thrive. We aim to nurture children who are inclusive, tolerant and, most importantly, enthusiastic about life itself; they are set superb examples of this by the caring members of our school community.

The children are enabled to successfully grow into citizens of the future through our diverse and creative curriculum, where learning is rooted in experience. At St Mary's children learn to be safe, be ready and be respectful, as we believe this provides them with the perfect start to a life-long journey of discovery and fulfilment.~

Mrs Naomi Clarke,




If your child will NOT be travelling on the bus as usual on any day, please let our Bus Liaison Officer know as soon as possible by emailing:



Key Information for Parents & Carers

Please ensure you and your family are familiar with the following rules & routines:.

  1. We have a one-way system on our school site to help keep the site secure. Please remember you should not come back under the bridge onto the main playground at pick up time once you have gone round to the back of the building.
  1. The children can arrive from 8.40am: lessons start at 8.50am. (The gates will be locked at 8.55 am to allow time for all parents and carers to vacate the site. Any children arriving after 8:55am will be marked as late.)
  2. There is absolutely NO vehicular access onto the school site, unless by prior arrangement. There should be absolutely NO parking in Bradon Forest at all.
  3. Please ensure children have the correct school uniform and that all footwear is black and suitable for running around and being active every day.

  4. At end of the day, the gates are opened at 3.00pm. Children are collected on the playground. Note: we will not let your child go until you are there.
  1. Please limit conversations with staff at drop-off and collection: whilst this is often important communication, such ‘quick words’ soon result in staff members having dozens of face-to-face interactions each week, that could have been communicated in a different way: if you need to get a message to a teacher, please contact the admin team via email ( or phone (01793 770239), who will ensure your message or request is passed on. Members of staff can then contact you on the phone or email as appropriate, as soon as they are able.
  1. Hot school dinners are bookable through Parent Pay. Please note, meals must be booked for all children, including those who have income-related free school meals or universal infant school meals.



At St Mary's CE Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and have a culture of vigilance in all aspects of safeguarding and child protection. Please see our Safeguarding page for more information about the school's policies and procedures (here).

St Mary's Safeguarding Team


 Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs N Clarke

Head Teacher

Mr R Payne

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs H Fudge

Early Years Leader

Mrs Liz Tawn

Well Being &
Pastoral Lead

Child Protection Governor: 
Alastair Vella-Sultana


Ofsted Inspection 2023

Following the inspection on 4th and 5th May, 2023. We are pleased to report that Ofsted concluded that St Mary’s “continues to be good.

In the report, Ofsted highlight many strengths in every aspect of the school, especially the skill and knowledge of the staff, our rich curriculum and the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children.

If you would like to read more, please visit our Inspections and Reviews page

Below are some highlighted quotations from the attached report, which we have aligned with our #ShiningBrightly mission of having a Safe, Ready and Respectful school:


  • “Pupils… feel safe and say that staff at the school help them if they have any worries or concerns.”

  • “Staff help pupils to understand how to stay safe, including when online.”

  • “Even the youngest children explain how to keep themselves safe.”

  • “There is a robust culture of safeguarding in place. Leaders have ensured that all staff have received training. This keeps them up to date with best practice.”


  • “Pupils at St Mary’s are proud to be part of this welcoming school.”

  • “Staff expectations for pupils are high. They want everyone to shine brightly.”

  • “Pupils are friendly and inquisitive."

  • “Teachers and support staff have strong subject knowledge.”

  • “Pupils follow a purposeful and ambitious curriculum.”

  • “Leaders ensure that pupils learn about a wide variety of cultures. This helps to prepare them for life in modern Britain.”


  • Leaders create an environment where everyone feels valued.”

  • The relationships between adults and pupils are respectful."

  • Pupils are sensitive and considerate of one another. They understand the importance of treating everyone fairly.”


SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) 2023


In March 2023 we were inspected under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools which evaluates the ethos and learning within the school. The inspector visited classrooms, watched playtimes and interviewed staff from roles across the school, as well as meeting with children, parents, governors and volunteers.

We are delighted that the inspection awarded St. Mary’s a very strong Good grading.

The report is such a positive reflection of our school, highlighting how we strive to provide the very best education and support for our children and families.

You can can read a summary below and the full report can be found here.

Our thanks to all the children, staff, governors and parents of St. Mary’s who all work tirelessly and give so much every day, to make our school the special place it is.

Some highlights from our 2023 SIAMS Inspection


About our curriculum, teaching and learning

“The inspirational leadership of the headteacher and team, has created a vibrant learning community.”

“Learning activities are fully engaging and enjoyable, enhancing pupils’ very positive experiences of school life.

Pupils identified as disadvantaged are extremely well-supported in line with the vision by reducing and removing barriers to learning. In this way the needs of each pupil are met, enabling all to flourish.”

“The curriculum is continuously enhanced by a range of visitors and visits…”

“…’Big Questions’ enable pupils to explore and respond to global, spiritual and ethical issues in a safe and secure setting. As a result, pupils are able to develop and justify their viewpoints, listen respectfully to those of others and disagree politely.”  

About our children’s behaviour and attitudes

“Christian values and spiritual reflection seamlessly thread through the curriculum strengthening the impact of the vision. In this way, pupils’ behaviour, attitudes and aspirations are transformed, including those who benefit from support with behaviour.”

“Each pupil is regarded as a precious unique person by their peers and staff and in turn becomes a ‘shining star’. In this way they become confident learners who aspire to be the best they can be.”

 About our staff and our school leadership

“Leaders, including governors and staff …have the highest aspirations for their pupils.

“…leaders are continuously searching for ways to improve and place a high priority on professional development. In this way, staff feel highly valued both as individuals and as a team."

Leaders’ support for staff wellbeing, reflects a culture where all are supported. As a result, staff morale is high.”

About our community

“The school, often together with the church community, demonstrates exceptional support for all families.

…diversity is embraced and highly welcomed. St Mary’s is an inclusive, warm and friendly school community…”


Challenge Partner Quality Assurance Review 2022

Our most recent external Quality Assurance Review was undertaken by an experienced Lead Reviewer and their team of senior leaders over three days in March, 2022, focusing on the below key areas. The review involved all senior leaders and class teachers. 

Note: The Quality Assurance Review estimates are not equivalent to Ofsted grades. The QA Review uses a different framework to Ofsted and the review is developmental not judgmental.

  • Area 1 - Leadership at all levels (Decision: Leading)
  • Area 2 - Quality of provision and outcomes, including outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs (Decision: Effective)
  • Area of Excellence: The promotion of high quality leadership by subject coordinators and those responsible for specific groups of pupils. (Decision: Accredited)

If you would like to read more, please visit our Inspections and Reviews page

The following quotations provide a summary overview of the 2022 Quality Assurance Review: 

“The headteacher is held in high regard by staff, pupils, parents and governors. She provides wise counsel and plays a central role in sustaining the warm and purposeful atmosphere across the school."

"Senior leaders have a wide range of experience and expertise and have established a strong learning culture where openness and risk-taking are encouraged and where all feel valued."

"The motto, ‘Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly’ is understood by all members of the school community. The ambition for all pupils to be ‘safe, ready, respectful’ is understood by pupils and provides them with a shared language with which to reflect on their own personal development."

"Governors are fully involved with monitoring the provision and pupils’ achievement. Each governor is linked with a middle leader. They gain insights into strengths and areas for development through overviews of outcomes and regular visits. This enables them to be proactive in contributing to whole school improvement plans and evaluating their success.”

"Pupils enjoy a rich and well-structured curriculum. Opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are now explicit in curriculum plans, as recommended during the last consultation visit." 


"Excellent relationships among teachers, support staff and pupils underpin the relaxed and purposeful atmosphere during lessons. Pupils’ behaviour is typically excellent."


"In the most successful lessons, teachers fully capitalise on pupils’ positive attitudes to fully engage and motivate them."


"There is a strong ethos of inclusion throughout the school. Disadvantaged pupils and those with additional needs are supported in lessons seamlessly. Both groups benefit from extremely well-organised support."


"Staff have capitalised on the close relationships established with parents during lockdowns and continue to develop strong home/school partnerships."


Disadvantaged Learners

We believe that every child should have equal opportunity and access to an excellent education. We know that disadvantaged learners can require greater support in order to achieve results that are in line with other children and young people. St Mary's follows the Disadvantaged Learner Charter. Read more on our Pupil Premium page.


Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH)

We pride ourselves that every member of the St Mary's team considers each child's broader well-being as being of paramount importance. Therefore, we create opportunities and take the time to get to know the children in our care well and, when necessary, aim to support them and their families in addressing any issues in their emotional well-being and mental health. You can find out more here.


 If you require a printed copy of any website pages please email

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school


 TWITTER @StMaryPriPurton



If your child will NOT be travelling on the bus as usual on any day, please let our Bus Liaison Officer know as soon as possible by emailing:



Admissions to St Mary's CE Primary School & Nursery

We are a totally inclusive school and welcome all children and we warmly welcome visits to our school. Please telephone Hannah Ashdown, Admissions Officer on 01793 770239 to make an appointment to look around or email  to arrange a visit. 

Applications to our school are managed by Wiltshire Council, please click on the link to access Wiltshire Council School Admissions. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any admission related query.





Click below to access our NEWSLETTERS.




We warmly welcome visits to our school. We are a totally inclusive school and welcome all children. Please telephone our school office on 01793 770239 and speak to a member of the Administrative Team (Mrs Ashdown & Miss Howse) who will be happy to make an appointment for you to look around.  Alternatively, email  to arrange a visit.  

Applications to our school are managed by Wiltshire Council, please click on the link to access Wiltshire Council School Admissions

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any admission related query.


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